Cyber Investigation & Big Data Analysis

The focus of the course is cyber security investigations, including an analysis and detection of cyber security threats. The course will focus on the usage of Big Data and SIEM integration into cyber crime investigations.


Day 1

  • Session 1: Security & Digital Forensics.
  • Session 2: Threats/Intrusion Detection Methods.

Day 2

  • Session 3: Data States/Log files/Data Mining. This includes the usage of regular expressions for mining data, including within the different states that it can exist within systems.
  • Session 4: Big Data Analysis/SIEM. This outlines the usage of data for cyber security, including the usage of SIEM packages.

Day 3

  • Session 5: Cyber Investigations. Creation of Cyber Investigation Centre.
  • Session 6: Police Databases. Police database building and maintenance.

This course has now been completed. Look out at our Forthcoming Events section