The main universities involved within The Cyber Academy are leading on a number of EU Horizon 2020 bids, and are keen to look for partners within Cyber Security and Digital Forensics. The focal point of the consortiums include:
- FCT-01-2015: Forensics topic 1: Tools and infrastructure for the extraction, fusion, exchange and analysis of big data including cyber-offenses generated data for forensic investigation. Link.
- FCT-02-2015: Forensic topic 2: Advanced easy to use in-situ forensic tools at the scene of crime. Link.
- FCT-04-2015: Forensics topic 4: Internet Forensics to combat organized crime. Link.
- FCT-09-2015: Law Enfocement capabilities topic 5: Identity Management. Link.
- FCT-15-2015: Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 3: Better understanding the role of new social media networks and their use for public security purposes. Link.
If you want to join us, please contact us here with your details: